I like to learn and I have spent a big part of my life devouring any book I could get my hands on, related to my preferred subject which is the applied philosophy. The reason why I had so much interest on that subject is that early in my life I realized that neither myself nor anyone else is born with a manual on how to live life actively without gradually losing our power.
I have chosen the profession of the life coach because I believe in changes and in methods. In any of the many books it was never written that a person has to accept non optimum life conditions in a defeated manner. And in many of them I found methods and ways on how to gain abilities, wisdom, power, happiness and freedom while keep living in a society. Of course, not all methods fit to everyone. As I am a practical person I tested everything that sounded decent and promising. Every method which gives the desired results is considered as a valid method.
Like this I arrived at the point where I looked in my hands and they were holding a good amount of successful methods I could apply not only for my own benefit but for the others as well. I like to share thus I started working as a life coach and here I am available to every person I honestly feel that I can help.