There is always a way to make things go right in your life.
If you cannot find it, I am here to help.
Life is ever changing. Some changes bring you in a better condition and some others might be the last thing you would have wished to happen. When you are dealing with the second ones and it is getting hard, I am here to support you. We can work together up to the point where the train is again back on the rails and you feel that you have things under control.
When you see that grey clouds have gathered in your sky, let's get in touch.
The worse a situation gets, the more capacity it has to get even worse.
Life is not an easy game as we all know very well. It is absolutely normal to feel anxiety, fear, anger, sadness from time to time while facing unwanted situations. The question is for how long. You can sit down and burst into tears for half an hour in the worst case but then you have to stand up, wipe your face and continue with your life. If you see that you cannot do that no matter how much you have tried, write to me. I am here to help you create the power you need to stand on your feet again.